This is not the case with customweb who have been very responsive and helpful in helping me get my extension set up even when the issues were to do with a third party. As for the extension I was caught out. It installed so well I didn't even realise it had installed. Like all good extensions it just worked.
- Unterstützte Shopsysteme
- Filter zurücksetzen
- Payment Service Provider
- Filter zurücksetzen
- Availabill
- Alipay Global
- Authipay
- Barclaycard ePDQ
- Betterpayment
- BNP Paribas Mercanet 2.0
- CBC PayPage
- CCV Pay
- CM Payments
- Computop
- Concardis Comfort, Premium, Professional
- Concardis, speed.up,
- Datatrans
- Dimoco
- E-Pro EMP Corp
- EMS e-Commerce Gateway
- First Cash Solution
- First Data Merchant Solutions
- FXCPay
- Heidelpay Unzer
- hobex
- Ingenico (Ogone)
- Intelligent Payments
- InterCard
- KBC PayPage
- Lloyds Cardnet
- mPAY24
- Tyl by Natwest
- Open Payment Platform
- paydirekt
- PayUnity
- PowerPay
- SafeCharge
- Saferpay
- Opayo (formerly SagePay)
- Slimpay
- Sogenactif 2.0
- Sofort
- Stripe
- Telecash from fiserv
- Trustly
- Viveum
- Worldline SIPS 2.0
- Worldpay JSON API
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