Jeremi Reda, Logos Computer Systems
- Unterstützte Shopsysteme
- Filter zurücksetzen
- Payment Service Provider
- Filter zurücksetzen
- Availabill
- Alipay Global
- Authipay
- Barclaycard ePDQ
- Betterpayment
- BNP Paribas Mercanet 2.0
- CBC PayPage
- CCV Pay
- CM Payments
- Computop
- Concardis Comfort, Premium, Professional
- Concardis, speed.up,
- Datatrans
- Dimoco
- E-Pro EMP Corp
- EMS e-Commerce Gateway
- First Cash Solution
- First Data Merchant Solutions
- FXCPay
- Heidelpay Unzer
- hobex
- Ingenico (Ogone)
- Intelligent Payments
- InterCard
- KBC PayPage
- Lloyds Cardnet
- mPAY24
- Tyl by Natwest
- Open Payment Platform
- paydirekt
- PayUnity
- PowerPay
- SafeCharge
- Saferpay
- Opayo (formerly SagePay)
- Slimpay
- Sogenactif 2.0
- Sofort
- Stripe
- Telecash from fiserv
- Trustly
- Viveum
- Worldline SIPS 2.0
- Worldpay JSON API
CCV Shop3>
Der CCV Shop ist Teil der CCV-Group, einem niederländischen E-Commerce Unternehmen, und bietet eine All-in-One-Lösung für jeden Onlineshop.
FXCPay is a payment concierge service that can tailor the perfect payment solution for your business needs. Our concierge service is free, so it costs nothing to explore alternative solutions for your business. There’s also no commitment to change.
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